The Natural: Cleaning with Carbonation

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carbonating cleaning bubblesHave you ever spilled coffee, soda or juice on a shirt, dress or pair of pants? Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us.

Everyone knows when you spill a liquid on clothing the best course of action is to grab a napkin or towel and dab a little club soda on the stain as soon as possible. Basically, what happens, is the carbonation and bubbles from the club soda pulls the liquid from the fabric, rendering the stain obsolete.But, why stop at clothing?

The Natural, the signature, green cleaning solution from Chem-Dry, applies the exact same principles to upholstery and carpet cleaning with fantastic results you won’t believe. Continue Reading

How it Works

The Natural uses CO2 to produce millions of tiny, effervescent bubbles which penetrate the carpet fiber, dissolve dirt and stains quickly, and act as tiny propellants that actually lift dirt to the surface of your floor for Hot Carbonating Extraction (HCE).


Unlike carpet cleaning products used with rental machines or offered by steam cleaners, The Natural contains NO soaps, detergents, surfactants, organic solvents, enzymes, optical brighteners, bleaches, phosphates, petroleum-based materials, thickeners, fragrances, artificial colors, plastics, or polymers. That’s a lot of big words and a long way of saying that The Natural is 100% non-toxic and one of the safest cleaning solutions on the market, and in Kenosha, it’s only available from Nature’s Way Chem-Dry.

The Natural is made entirely from ingredients whose equivalent can be found in Mother Nature, not in a lab or test tube. The same safe, synthetic amino acid that is used to preserve many of the food items we all eat and enjoy is incorporated into The Natural to preserve freshness and extend shelf life.

Less Moisture

Since it contains no soaps or detergents, The Natural requires very little moisture. Less moisture means less chance for mold, mildew or bacteria to grow in your carpet. Not only that, but less moisture means that carpet dries typically within 1-2 hours after it’s cleaned.

Nature’s Way Chem-Dry in Burlington uses The Natural throughout all of their cleaning services and is the best source for drier, cleaner and healthier carpet cleaning in Kenosha.

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