Prevent Fall Allergies with Carpet Cleaning

carpet allergensSchool has started in Kenosha and the cold weather is on its way, which means cold and flu season, as well as other allergies, aren’t far behind.

It’s impossible to control what your child is exposed to at school or away from home, but you can control the cleanliness of your home, your carpet and other surfaces that might store germs and allergens.

These helpful tips from Kenosha Carpet Cleaning Blog will go a long way toward preventing germs and allergens from living in your home and should help keep your family healthy this season: Continue Reading

Carbonated Carpet Cleaning: Nature’s Secret Cleaner

carbonating cleaning bubblesHave you ever spilled a drink on your clothing and used club soda or seltzer water to remove the stain? It works great, doesn’t it? Have you ever wondered why?

Club soda or seltzer water works so well at removing liquid stains and dirt from fabric due to the minerals, low pH levels and, of course, carbonation. The carbonated bubbles within club soda literally help to “lift” the stain out of the fabric and fibers.

The principles of cleaning with carbonation don’t only apply to removing stains from your clothing. You can also remove stains and dirt from carpet using carbonation. Continue Reading

The Benefits of Using a Carpet Rake

carpet rakeCared for carpet is known to last longer and retain its beauty for many years. There are many ways you can maintain the quality of your carpet through cleaning it regularly, including vacuuming and professional carpet cleaning at least once every 12-18 months.

Another tool that can be used to help maintain your carpet’s performance and look is a carpet rake. That’s right, rakes aren’t just for leaves in the summer and a rake for carpet can truly make your floor look wonderful. Continue Reading